
       A small dusty trail wound in front of me. A bed of brown pine needles, and bleached tree branches, cracking from the sun, enveloped the ground. The sun was a leech, draining the moisture from my body. The string backpack on my shoulders was digging into my bare shoulders and left a patch of raw skin. I wished it were heavier, my water bottles inside were filled with false promises and disappointment. I plowed on down the trail, my new yellow shoes attracting dust like a vacuum. The fire in my legs was burning down into ash. Like a car running on fumes, my deep labored breathers were not enough. The trail sloped gracefully down, curving from side to side, and travelling though giant pine trees that didn’t offer enough shade. I was depleted and my journey wasn’t ending. I kept going, wiping the dried sweet from my face. I rounded a turn, my yellow shoes dragging in the dust and hit an exposed root. I fell forward, my hands flailing uselessly in front of me and impacted the trail. I didn’t give up, it wasn’t an option. I picked myself up and I continued my journey, leaving a trail of dust in my wake.
This is what the area I ran through generally looked like, although nothing was green where I was running.
photo from 
          A crisp autumn breeze blew across my face, and the golden brown leaves on the ground stirred. I slowly jogged across freshly cut grass; my legs were stiff, sore and uncooperative. Doubts ran freely in my mind, and a thousand excuses presented themselves. Spectators were everywhere, lining the course, and creating a wall around the course. As always, I didn’t pay any attention to them, they where just there. I kept jogging, my stomach was knotting up, and I had to go to the bathroom. I felt sluggish, how was I supposed to run this race? I can’t even do a warm up. The clouds above were light fluffy pillows, and for once I would not be racing in the rain. I jogged over to my gym bag, it was overflowing with articles of clothing I would never need. I shed my sweats and trainers, and started to jog to the starting line. I took just one moment and looked at my worn, beat up yellow Nike Pegasus’s. The bottom was almost smooth, the sides had clumps of dirt stuck on them, and the mesh was ripped in several spots. I paused, the knot in my stomach wasn’t going away, my legs were still stiff, and I had to go to the bathroom, again. But I no longer doubted myself, and that is a feeling that isn’t earned lightly.
these are a much cleaner version of the running shoes I used 
picture from

I chose this song because it sounded haunting and as if the artist had lost something, which reminded me of when I was just starting to run and it seemed impossible.  

I chose this song because it is very high energy and it is referencing a discovery, which I can now relate to. 

1 comment:

  1. In addition to "Santeria," please try to find another song to post! I would like two songs total.
