Monday, April 29, 2013

By Casey Baker
Pocket knives, survival knives, throwing knives. I have them all. I started collating knives when I was 8 years old. My first knife was a pocket knife my grandpa gave me for my birthday. The blade was about 4” inches long and it had a blue handle. I started collating knifes because of what my grandpa told what they are good for. He told me a knife is a great tool for many things. Its good for making paths, cutting through cloth, it’s also great for opening up cans, cutting food, and more. He said bigger is not regularly better. Example, your survival knife should be just as easy to pack as the rest of your stuff. This means that it should be small, (but not to small) lightweight, quickly usable, and, most important, easy to use. Larger knives may be cooler, but you have a bigger risk of hurting yourself with a bigger knife, especially in an emergencyAfter he told me all that i stated collating knifes i would ask for them for my birthday and Christmas. after 8 years of collating i have about 150 diffident knifes and swords.

 this is a switchblade knife something i cry with me when i am not in school. This is one of the knifes i have in my collation.